Pedro Ismar Souto (Belo Horizonte, 1989).

Art Director (ArteMG – Soluções artísticas e digitais), Illustrator and Visual Artist.

My work is created from hybridizations between traditional and digital methods, using traditional painting, engraving and drawing, as well Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Unity 3D and Blender.

I provide Illustration and Art Direction services for companies and brands, creating characters and scenarios, illustrations for books and role-playing games, graphic pieces, mascots, 3D projects, among others. With the intention of seeking artistic and creative solutions for companies, while maintaining fidelity to their visual identity.

In my personal work, I’m always searching for an imagetic construction that mixes surrealism and obscure art. For this reason, I consider myself an eternal admirer of all artistic expressions. In my graduation as Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of Minas Gerais/ UEMG – Guignard School, I opted for my habilitation in Traditional Painting, which was fundamental to give continuity to my creations.

Another parallel activity is programming. My connection with technology began between the years 2008 and 2011, in the Bachelor’s degree course in Computer Science at the Federal University of Ouro Preto/ UFOP.

But the desire to work with artistic creation spoke louder and between the years 2014 – 2016, I attended the course “Playgame – Techniques of electronic games development”, taught at SAGA School – (School of Arts, Games and Animation), in Belo Horizonte / MG. Where I graduated in the area and also acted as a monitor.